Shree Balaji Engicons Ltd. of Odisha awarded by CIDC for Best Construction Projects

Jharsuguda: Shree Balaji Engicons Limited, of Belpahar based Construction & Infrastructure Development company, have been Awarded by CIDC- Construction Industry Development Council(Established by Planning Commission- NITI Aayog, Govt. of India and the Construction Industry), New Delhi at the National level in two different Categories, Best Construction Project in category of Social Infrastructure Development � Resettlement and Rehabilitation � R&R Colony -II, Dist. Sundargarh, Odisha and Best Construction Project in category �of Roads & Highways � Bhojpur Chhatabar Road Project, Dist. Deogarh, Odisha & on 07th March�2021 in the event of 25th CIDC Silver Jubilee Anniversary and 12th CIDC Vishwakarma Awards function held at India Habitat Center, Lodhi Road New Delhi.
Guest for the Event were Dr. P.S. Rana, Chairman, CIDC, Dr. P. Swarup � Director General and other renowned dignitaries and members of various Companies & Construction Industry. CIDC Award have given by Shri Balraj Joshi, NHPC Ltd. and Shri M. N. Rao and received by Shri Anil Kumar Agrawal, M.D., Shri Vinay Kumar Agrawal, Director and Shri Ankit Agrawal, V.P. of Shree Balaji Engicons Ltd.
It’s a pride moment for Odisha state as Odisha based Construction and Engineering organization honoured by one of the Prestigious Construction Industry Award.