CrimeJharsuguda News

Three held for Murder

Jharsuguda : Orient Police nabbed three accused involved for murder of one Birbal Pandey on Saturday, Orient PS issued Press Release

Polcie identified the three accused as Ajit Singh Aka Mania (22), Ajit Singh Aka Khadi(25) and Suraj Prasad (25) along with Jayaram. However, the fourth accuse has been till absconding and yet to be arrested.

As per the police Press Release, On based of a written complaint by the family of Birbal Pandey, at Orient Police Station, had lodged case and investigated the case.

As per report, Birbal Pandey (22 years old), was allegedly stabbed on his neck by a sharp weapon by three accused over a previous enmity on 22nd September.

Orient Police arrested the three accused and forwarded to court on Saturday. Police has also seized weapon of offence along with Two vehicle involved in this crime.


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